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Hendy Group Complaints handling policy
At Hendy we endeavour to deliver a premium experience to every single customer, as our vision is to deliver 100% customer and colleague satisfaction.
Whilst we aim to achieve a high level of service, sometimes things do go wrong. That’s why we have a complaints procedure. We want to learn from our mistakes and help improve our service for you and other customers.
This policy sets out our intent and objectives for how we handle complaints. It covers:
What is a complaint?
Our standards
How to make a complaint
How we will investigate and respond to your complaint
Our timescales for dealing with complaints
What to do if we are unable to resolve your complaint
How Hendy will record, monitor and analyse your complaint
What Is a Complaint?
We define a complaint as ‘any expression of dissatisfaction (oral or written) with our service or products, whether justified or not, which alleges that the complainant has suffered (or may suffer) financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience.’
Sometimes a problem can be resolved quickly, simply by speaking to a member of our staff or a manager in the relevant department. However, if we’re not able to immediately satisfy your concerns or feel that a more substantive review is required to respond to the issues raised, or if your complaint is about a finance and/or insurance product, your complaint will be considered under the formal complaint procedure outlined below.
Our Standards
We treat all complaints seriously, objectively and in an unbiased manner, however they are received
You will be always treated with respect and courtesy
We will deal with your complaint promptly
We will keep you updated with the progress of your complaint
When we get things wrong, we will accept responsibility, explain what happened and
why and seek to put things right
We will handle your information confidentially and in line with Data Protection legislation
We will learn from complaints and use complaints data to help drive business improvement
How To Make a Complaint
Should you wish to make a complaint, where possible, we ask that you do so in writing - either online or via post. This will help ensure that the details of the complaint are clear and complete. Please be assured that any complaints received via other means will also be accepted and dealt with under the same procedure.
You can submit the details of your complaint either;
Via our website -
By emailing us at
By telephone on 023 8062 7539
Or by writing to us using the details below:
Customer Feedback
Hendy Group Ltd
School Lane
Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate Eastleigh, Hampshire
SO53 4DG
Please provide us with the following information:
Your name and contact details
Vehicle registration, make and model, if applicable
Explanation of the complaint including dates and times, where known
Copies of any supporting documentation, if available
How We Will Investigate and Respond to Your Complaint
Following receipt of your complaint, we will conduct a full and thorough investigation, considering all information relevant to your complaint. We will then decide whether the complaint should be upheld and, if so, what remedial action or redress (or both) may be appropriate.
When we get things wrong we promise to:
Accept responsibility
Explain what went wrong and why
Strive to put matters right
The general principle we follow to put matters right is that you should, so far as possible, be put in the position you would have been in, had things not gone wrong. An apology is usually appropriate, but we will also consider whether any other action should be taken. This may include, for example:
Taking remedial action (such as reviewing or changing a decision on the service provided)
Putting things right (for example changing procedures to prevent similar issues in future)
Training or supervising staff
Offering financial compensation
Our Timescales for Dealing With Complaints
We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days to let you know that we will investigate your concerns.
We then have up to 8 weeks to send our final response to you. This will explain our decision on your complaint, the reasons for this, and next steps.
If we need more time, we’ll contact you to explain why, and to let you know when you can expect our response. In most cases, we hope to be able to provide our final response within 4 weeks of receiving your complaint.
If your complaint relates to the commission paid to us by a lender when setting up your car finance agreement, different rules may apply to your complaint.
This is because the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is currently undertaking a review of historical motor finance sales and commission arrangements. As part of this, the FCA have introduced new rules that came into force on 11th January 2024 and 19th December 2024, extending the time that businesses have to send a final response to these types of complaints.
If you have a query or wish to make a complaint regarding your motor finance agreement and the commission paid to Hendy Group Limited by the lender, please contact the responsible lender directly. Details of your lender can be found on your finance agreement.
If you do not know who the lender, or you are unsure of your registration number, we may be able to provide this to you depending on when you purchased your vehicle. You can ask us for this information by contacting Please provide us with as much detail as possible, including the date you purchased the vehicle and the supplying dealership, if possible.
If your complaint relates specifically to Hendy Group Limited, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and will provide you with our final response after 4th December 2025.
You can find more information on the FCAs review, and the new rules on handling related complaints, here: Car finance complaints | FCA
What To Do If We Are Unable to Resolve Your Complaint
If we are unable to respond to your complaint fully and in writing within 8 weeks of the we received it, or you are dissatisfied with the response we have provided, you may be able to refer your complaint elsewhere for another opinion.
If your complaint relates to a finance or insurance product, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge. If your complaint falls within their jurisdiction, we will explain this in your Final Response Letter. For more information about the Financial Ombudsman Service you can visit their website:
If your complaint relates to something else, you may be able to refer your complaint to The Motor Ombudsman. The Motor Ombudsman are certified as an ADR (alternative dispute resolution) provider by the Chartered Trading Standards institute. For more information, you can visit their website at Alternatively, you can call them on 0345 241 3008.
How Hendy Will Record, Monitor and Analyse Your Complaint
At Hendy we are dedicated to improving our performance, services and functions. We log all complaints that we receive so we can monitor and analyse the types of problems our customers are experiencing, how we can resolve them and how long we are taking to handle complaints. Where trends or gaps are identified, we will put corrective actions and mitigating solutions in place as soon as possible.
All complaints are handled confidentiality and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.