Available from Hendy Hyundai in Poole and Salisbury.
Make taking care of your beloved Hyundai easier than ever before with our DriveSmart service plan. This is an easy way to manage the cost of any essential maintenance in line with Hyundai's recommended schedule and avoid the cost of inflation without fixed-price payments! We truly have your best interests at heart!
Our costs include any labour, parts and consumables (such as oils) that are needed - other benefits include:
A free summer and winter health check
Free visual safety report as you wait
Free wash and vacuum with every service
While-you-wait service, plus access to our comfortable waiting area
MOT tests for just £30 when booked in conjunction with a service
Being the first to hear about special offers.
We never wait to be beaten on price, so we are constantly comparing our prices to those of our competitors to ensure we're giving you the best possible deal. And each of our technicians has been trained by the manufacturer to ensure they know the ins and outs of your model, so can therefore take the best care of it.
No matter your ownership status of your Hyundai, you can take out a service place - if you're currently searching for a new car, whether that be brand new or previously owned, we can also factor in the cost of this to your finance package to make it easier for you!
Want to find out more? Get in touch with our expert team today - they'll be able to answer any questions you may have.