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October is National Tyre Safety Month. And with the darker nights and colder weather drawing in, driving safety should be at the top of your mind. Here at Hendy, we want to join this safety campaign by emphasising the importance of ensuring that your vehicle’s tyres are in good condition to tackle the harsher conditions.
The campaign introduced by TyreSafe promotes the importance of taking care of your tyres, highlighting the dangers of worn, underinflated and damaged tyres and the best things you can do to take care of them.
Our team of experts are always on hand to help you with any vehicle-related enquiry and service. Head down to your nearest dealership today to get your tyres checked to make sure they’re road-ready.
Did you know?...
As responsible vehicle owners, we all know that it’s a legal requirement to ensure that our tyres are kept in good condition. The legal limit for tyre tread depth in the UK is 1.6mm, but it’s recommended that you get your tyres checked when they hit 3mm. But despite the legalities in place, the UK reports some worrying statistics about the nation’s vehicle tyre health…
· According to TyreSafe’s tread depth survey from 2023, there are 6 million tyres in the UK with illegal tyre tread.
· The DVSA concluded that more than 2 million MOT test failures were as a result of tyre defects.
· TyreSafe reported that 80% of all car tyres in the UK are underinflated.
· Nearly 1 in 5 drivers have never checked their tyre tread depth, according to TyreSafe.
What’s the risk?
The risks of neglecting your tyre’s health affect multiple areas, including legal requirements, finances and road safety both for yourself and other drivers.
· Driving with tyres below the legal tread depth increases stopping distance by up to 44% due to less grip and dramatically increases the risk of collisions. This distance will only increase as we enter the freezing season and are driving in icy conditions.
· If you’re caught with tyres under the legal tread limit, then you could receive a £2,500 fine (per tyre!) and 3 points on your licence.
· With underinflated, worn or damaged tyres, the risk of your car aquaplaning in heavy rain dramatically increases – and in Britain, it’s a guarantee that it will rain…a lot.
What can I do to ensure my tyres stay in good condition?
As a driver, there are lots of things you can do to make sure you’re keeping on top of your vehicle’s tyre health. Here are just a few ideas:
· Check your tyre’s air pressure – using a reliable pressure gauge, you can test your tyre pressure from the comfort of your own home. You can find out what pressure your vehicle needs usually on the inside of the vehicle door or in its manufacturer booklet/website.
· Check the general condition – look carefully at your tyres to identify any cuts, bulges and perishing.
· Test your tyre tread depth using the 20p test – place a 20p coin in the main tread channels of your tyres, if the outer band of the coin is obscured when inserted into the groove, then your tread is above the legal limit. If you’re able to see the outer band of the coin face, your tread is below the legal limit.
Want some advice? Our friendly team are on hand to help you breeze through the colder months! Contact your local dealership today.